Assalamualaikum w.b.t
3 years back I was insanely posting about my working experience at Pacific Oils and Fats Sdn Bhd. The post was blogged as soon as i resign from the company as i am going to pursue my studies in Terengganu.
As for that moment, i didnt realise that my word, my content of the blog is directly gives a bad image to the company. To be honest, i have no bad intention or try to offense the management. As my experience working at Pacific Oils and Fats is just a few months, I hereby admit that it is WRONG to just simply judge the company as simple as i did.
Above all, it was a place where me and some other people gain their working experience as well as life experience.
I hereby would like to apologize for my wrong doing to the company through my word here at this blog. I'd like to extend my sorry to the management as well as those who is still devotedly working at Pacific Oils and Fats Sdn Bhd.
Yours sincerely,
Admin, Hafiz